Updating the Firmware

First you must download the most recent firmware file from our website found here. The downloaded file will be a zip file, you must extract the zip file and save the .bin firmware file somewhere you can easily access for the next step. Mac users, simply double click the zip file to extract it. You may get the following warning message which you can ignore.


The firmware file will end with the .bin extension, this is the file you will upload to the Unity6. Now connect to the Unity6’s WiFi using these steps.

Once connected to the Unity6's WiFi network, open a web browser and type in the following URL: jetpedals.local

The Firmware Uploader page will automatically loadjetpedals_local.png


Hit the Choose File button and select the .bin file downloaded from our websiteimage-1718807161831.png

Hit the Update button and the progress bar will show the status of the upload


Once finished, the Unity6 will reboot and the new firmware update has been completedFinished.png