Message Type Glossary
The Unity6 has 33 unique message types for sending MIDI messages to external devices or for controlling parameters within the Unity6
Empty Message
When selected no MIDI information will be sent within this message slot.
Generally used to control individual functions or device parameters within your external Midi dev...
CC Toggle
Used to toggle between two separate CC values Enter the Number, Values, and Channel for which to...
Generally used to recall presets on your Midi device Enter the Number and Channel for which to s...
PC Toggle
Used to toggle between two separate PC numbers Enter the On #, Off # and Channel for which to se...
Loop On
Used to turn on any loop 1 thru 6 Select the Loop # to turn on.
Loop Off
Used to turn off any loop 1 thru 6 Select the Loop # to turn off.
Toggle Loop
Used to toggle on/off any loop 1 thru 6 Select the Loop # to toggle on/off. When pressing the s...
Jump to Bank
Used to jump to any bank within the Unity6. Select the Bank # to jump to that bank.
Last Used Bank
Used to return to the last used bank within the Unity6.
Boost On
Used to turn on the post loop clean boost. Select between 3dB, 5dB, 7dB, 9dB, or 12dB of clean b...
Boost Off
Used to turn off the post loop clean boost.
Toggle Boost
Used to toggle on/off the post loop clean boost. Select between 3dB, 5dB, 7dB, 9dB, or 12dB of c...
Red Remote On
Used to turn on/activate the Red Remote feature found on various JHS pedals You can control up t...
Red Remote Off
Used to turn off/deactivate the Red Remote feature found on various JHS pedals You can control u...
Toggle Red Remote
Used to toggle on/off the Red Remote feature found on various JHS pedals You can control up to 4...
Amp Switch On
Used to turn on/activate a switch found on any tube/solid state amplifier. Amp switches are typic...
Amp Switch Off
Used to turn off/deactivate a switch found on any tube/solid state amplifier. Amp switches are ty...
Toggle Amp Switch
Used to toggle on/off a switch found on any tube/solid state amplifier. Amp switches are typicall...
Scroll PC
Used to scroll through a defined range of PC#’s This message type is typically used to scroll th...
Scroll EXP1
Used to scroll through a defined range of values for EXP 1 This message type is typically used t...
Scroll EXP2
Used to scroll through a defined range of values for EXP 2 This message type is typically used t...
Note On
Used to send MIDI note on information. Select Number/MIDI Note, Velocity, and Channel.
Note Off
Used to send MIDI note off information. Select Number/MIDI Note and Channel.
Used to send MIDI clock information. Select the BPM which ranges from 40 to 240 BPM.
-1 BPM
Used to decrease the MIDI clock by 1 BPM.
+1 BPM
Used to increase the MIDI clock by 1 BPM.
Start MIDI Clock
Used to start the MIDI clock after a Stop MIDI Clock message type has been executed.
Stop MIDI Clock
Used to stop the MIDI clock signal from being sent to the output of the Unity6 MIDI jack.
Delay (ms)
Used to delay the MIDI stack (any of the 32 messages stored in a preset) for a predefined time. ...
Real Time Start
Sends a MIDI Real Time Start message.
Real Time Stop
Sends a MIDI Real Time Stop message.
Real Time Continue
Sends a MIDI Real Time Continue message.