Scroll PC

Used to scroll through a defined range of PC#’s

This message type is typically used to scroll through presets on your pedals. Simply enter the range for the PC#'s to scroll through, pick a counter to be used (1 thru 8), the channel for which to send the PC#'s to, and the direction to scroll (up, down, or toggle). Selecting Up or Down is useful when using two separate switches/presets to scroll PC#'s. Selecting Toggle is useful when using the same switch/preset to scroll both up and down (often used with the Long Press Scroll press action). The first press/hold will scroll up and the second press/hold will scroll down.

The Unity8 has eight unique counters on board, each counter is used to keep track of where you are at in the scrolling cycle. If you need to scroll presets on different pedals, make sure to assign each pedal a unique counter number.

* Often you may want to use two different switches/presets to scroll up and down PC#'s, make sure to assign both switches/presets to the same counter number so the scrolling stays in sync and functions as desired.
